
A walk through of how to introduce Naurt to your project.


Naurt does not require any dependencies!

Add XCFramework

Since Naurt is a closed source binary, it is distributed as an xcframework. This folder contains two framework folders. One is for the Iphone deployment, and the other for the simulator.

The frameworks can be found here

XCode App

If building an XCode app, the easiest way to integrate Naurt is to use the Package Dependencies function of the Project tab. Once there, click the + icon to add a dependency


Sometimes, XCode will automatically do some of these steps for you, like linking the binary with the library. If it looks like the screenshot already - you don't need to do anything!

The Package Dependencies Screen

The following dialogue will pop up. You want to add Select the appropriate version.

The Package Dependencies Screen

It should look like the following screenshot when you're done (your version number may vary)

The Package Dependencies Screen

Once you've done that, navigate to the app target, Build Phases and look for the Link Binary With Libraries section. Click the + icon.

Linking Binary

A dialogue box will open. Select the NaurtSDK and add that.

Linking Binary

It should look like the below screenshot when done

Linking Binary


If making an SPM package then use the following snippet in your Package.swift file. The version numbers might vary, so please check the latest release at

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),

Check on GitHub for the latest version


If using CocoaPods, then add this snippet to your Pod file. The version numbers might vary, so please check the latest release at

pod "Naurt.swift", "~> 1.0.0"

Check on the CocoaPods website for the latest version


Coming soon.